When I was a child, I was surrounded by people who were naturally artistic. My mother could draw anything she saw, my brother shared this drawing ability and he also made beautiful string art. My sister could do anything artistic she set her mind too…painting, drawing, crafts, and beautiful engraving. As for me, if I could draw a shaky stick figure it was a good day. My mother would coach me, “just draw what you see.” That didn’t work, what I saw in my head didn’t make it to my hands. I felt like an artistic failure. Until one day about 18 months ago, when it all changed.
I was bored and I wanted something artistic to do. My soul was craving creativity. I thought, “hmm, lets try a paint by numbers painting”. I ordered a big paint by numbers cat off Amazon and when it arrived, I eagerly opened the package. I took out the canvas and stared at all the little numbered spots, I examined the paint pots carefully, and rolled the brush in my hands. It felt good, so I sat down and began working on it. The brush felt right in my hand, the colors seemed to naturally flow, and I felt like I’d finally found my calling. There was a sense of peace as I was working on it. When I finished it, the multicolored cat was beautiful. It didn’t look silly or funny, so I ordered another kit. This time a wolf. As I progressed with the wolf, the thought, “I can do this without paint by numbers. I could do a real painting”, kept popping into my head. I finished the wolf and again, it was beautiful. Except this time, I took away a feeling of confidence. A confidence in that I had finally found my artistic calling.
I purchased a basic set of acrylic paint colors, a few basic brushes and began watching video tutorials. I was right, I’d found my niche.
The moral of this story is don’t give up on yourself. It took me 54 years to find my creative outlet. Be patient with yourself, each thing you do, whether you do it well or not, is a step on your journey to creative awareness. Take the time to enjoy the process of learning what you like or don’t like. Enjoy the journey!

i started a couple years ago when i bought a ceramic monkey at the dollar tree that came with acrylic paint and a tiny brush. I've always wanted to be an artist but no talent. when i gave my brother the gift the little monkey inside was broken. but here i am now painting with Jane and would never have thought i could paint. it started with a little gag gift.
As a child I loved to doodle and loved paint by numbers. My 9th grade art teacher taught me how to draw a face. I drew faces for years. Then it all stopped. I never felt I had any talent back then, it was just for me. I medically retired due to MS at age 50. I found a passion in photography. I still love it and do it for me. Mixed Media, I started Art Journaling around age 65, loved the messy fun, inks, stencils, paint, ephemera, etc. Watercolor entered my world at the age of 67. Wow 67 and trying to learn watercolor. Yes, and all on YouTube. 69 acrylic came into my world. 5 months a…
Thanks for sharing Sydne, you've touched many artistic souls here, isn't it wonderful to feel paint and brush drift on the canvas. My hand still tries to ignore my brain sending messages to curve a line or line a line straight, but I've discovered a creative place in the process . I found my zen when I found Jane, I needed to hear details and I needed reminders so every tutorial led me closer to knowing. I bought my first set of acrylic when I was 63 after retired, I fumbled about for a year. To this day I am thankful I used the words step-by-step in my tutorial search. It's good to meet you Sydne.
Wonderful story:) Yes, you are right because it's never too late to start anything. I appreciate you sharing this amazing artistic calling with all of us and wish you all the best:)
I was a late bloomer as well. Somehow I came across Lin Wellfords books "Painting On Rocks" and from them on...it was crazy!!